Wednesday, October 17, 2007
3eed Mubarak!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Secrets, Lies and Democracy
Interviewed by David Barsamian
Another illusion-shattering, fact-filled masterpiece from the man the New York Times called "arguably the most important intellectual alive." Here are a few, brief excerpts:
- In 1970, about 90% of international capital was used for trade and long-term investment -- more or less productive things -- and 10% for speculation. By 1990, those figures had reversed.
- Haiti, a starving island, is exporting food to the US -- about 35 times as much under Clinton as under Bush.
- The US government spent more money per capita to get the presidential candidate it favored elected in Chile in 1964 than was spent by both candidates (Johnson and Goldwater) in the 1964 election here in the United States.
- The gap between how much income is held by the richest and poorest 20% has increased dramatically over the past 30 years -- about double for rich vs. poor countries and far more for rich vs. poor people.
- What the public wants is called "politically unrealistic." Translated into English, that means power and privilege are opposed to it.
Odonian Press
Monday, August 27, 2007
Baby Left to Die in Car!
Are these Americans idiots or what?
I have a two year old and I know where she is all the time!
Even if my child was six or ten, how the hell do you leave a child in a car alone? In a parking lot?I think she did it on purpose, pretending she forgot, yeah right!
Really she should've given her to an orphanage or something.
Imagine what they would have said if a Muslim did that???
they'll call human rights watch...
Really really stupid people.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Law of Attraction is commonly associated with New Age and New Thought theories. It states people experience the corresponding manifestations of their predominant thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and that people therefore have direct control over reality and their lives through thought alone. A person's thoughts (conscious and unconscious), emotions, beliefs and actions are said to attract corresponding positive and negative experiences "through the resonance of their energetic vibration." [1] The "law of attraction" states "you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your experience."[2] The idea has received intense criticism from multiple circles in the media, the scientific community, and even other areas of the New Age Movement.
NOTE: As a Muslim, we don't ask the Universe, but we ask Allah All Mighty...
Where the grass is greener

Of the 132 cities surveyed, only nine cities present the worst-case scenario in which most aspects of living quality are severely restricted, reflecting general improvements on a global scale in areas such as education, health care and infrastructure. Four of these are in Asia, mainly South Asia. The other five are in Africa (accounting for three) and the Middle East (accounting for two).
The threat of terrorism and civil unrest is a major contributing\nfactor to the cities that suffer from the worst livability scores, as\nare poor development indicators. Algiers is the least livable\ndestination in the survey, with a score of 64.7%.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The King of Torts
I am a novel addict. Give me any novel and I'll eat it up as fast as I can unless it's really dumb like The Devil Wears Prada. It was so dumb I couldn't even go past the third page.
I have another John Grisham right here: The Testament, (also from Sheryza) and I'm ready to read it. Sometimes it's better to let the story sink in. Especially if the end was shocking, like in Harlan Coben's novels. I'll talk about his books on another post inshallah.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Le Le Le Le LeEeEeEeEeEe
I'm SO glad I'm finished with the tests, and I think I deflated instead of exploding.
I'm really looking forward to enjoying this summer with a lot of laying back and picnics. Some reading too. I think I'll be calling Sheryza, because we need to start planning...
Oh! I remembered I need to do some shopping for my sister's wedding that's on the 28Th of June!
But we can still do somethings here and there...
And after the wedding I'll be back in Madinah Insha Allah, and I'm gonna make up for all those times I missed going to the 7aram.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Close to Exploding!
Right now they are singing here over my head, one on my right and one on my left! And arguing who sings the song better??!!! I really don't know what to do... :-((
I know at the end I'm not doing it for myself. I'm wasting the time I should be taking some painting course or calligraphy or sewing with my friends. Or doing some arts and crafts with my kids. Or reading a new novel. Or having coffee in the morning with a friend. Yeah those were nice days when I took a semester off...
tic.. tic.. tic..
I'm about to explode!!!...
My Cute Troublemakers

Monday, May 14, 2007
"Robison Crusoe" and "Friday" Compared
Robinson Crusoe
- Crusoe seems incapable of deep feelings, as shown by his cold account of leaving his family—he worries about the religious consequences of disobeying his father, but never displays any emotion about leaving. Though he is generous toward people, as when he gives gifts to his sisters and the captain, Crusoe reveals very little tender or sincere affection in his dealings with them. When Crusoe tells us that he has gotten married and that his wife has died all within the same sentence, his indifference to her seems almost cruel.
- Moreover, as an individual personality, Crusoe is rather dull. His precise and deadpan style of narration works well for recounting the process of canoe building, but it tends to drain the excitement from events that should be thrilling. Action-packed scenes like the conquest of the cannibals become quite humdrum when Crusoe narrates them, giving us a detailed inventory of the cannibals in list form, for example.
- His insistence on dating events makes sense to a point, but it ultimately ends up seeming obsessive and irrelevant when he tells us the date on which he grinds his tools but neglects to tell us the date of a very important event like meeting Friday. Perhaps his impulse to record facts carefully is not a survival skill, but an irritating sign of his neurosis.
- Finally, while not boasting of heroism, Crusoe is nonetheless very interested in possessions, power, and prestige. When he first calls himself "king" of the island it seems jocund, but when he describes the Spaniard as "his subject" we must take his royal delusion seriously, since it seems he really does consider himself "king.'' His teaching Friday to call him “Master,” even before teaching him the words for “yes” or “no,” seems obnoxious even under the racist standards of the day, as if Crusoe needs to hear the ego-boosting word spoken as soon as possible.
Probably the first nonwhite character to be given a realistic, individualized, and humane portrayal in the English novel, Friday has a huge literary and cultural importance. If Crusoe represents the first "colonial" mind in fiction, then Friday represents not just a Caribbean tribesman, but all the natives of America, Asia, and Africa who would later be oppressed in the age of European imperialism.
- At the moment when Crusoe teaches Friday to call him “Master” Friday becomes an enduring political symbol of racial injustice in a modern world critical of imperialist expansion.
- Aside from his importance to our culture, Friday is a key figure within the context of the novel. In many ways he is the most vibrant character in Robinson Crusoe, much more charismatic and colorful than his master. Indeed, Defoe at times underscores the contrast between Crusoe’s and Friday’s personalities, as when Friday, in his joyful reunion with his father, exhibits far more emotion toward his family than Crusoe. Whereas Crusoe never mentions missing his family or dreams about the happiness of seeing them again, Friday jumps and sings for joy when he meets his father, and this emotional display makes us see what is missing from Crusoe’s stodgy heart.
- Friday’s expression of loyalty in asking Crusoe to kill him rather than leave him is more heartfelt than anything Crusoe ever says or does. Friday’s sincere questions to Crusoe about the devil, which Crusoe answers only indirectly and hesitantly, leave us wondering whether Crusoe’s knowledge of Christianity is superficial and sketchy in contrast to Friday’s full understanding of his own god Benamuckee. In short, Friday’s exuberance and emotional directness often point out the wooden conventionality of Crusoe’s personality.
- Despite Friday’s subjugation, however, Crusoe appreciates Friday much more than he would a mere servant. Crusoe does not seem to value intimacy with humans much, but he does say that he loves Friday, which is a remarkable disclosure. It is the only time Crusoe makes such an admission in the novel, since he never expresses love for his parents, brothers, sisters, or even his wife. The mere fact that an Englishman confesses more love for an illiterate Caribbean ex-cannibal than for his own family suggests the appeal of Friday’s personality. Crusoe may bring Friday Christianity and clothing, but Friday brings Crusoe emotional warmth and a vitality of spirit that Crusoe’s own European heart lacks.
What Should You Know About "Reductil" ?
Dry mouth
Monday, April 23, 2007
Never Argue with a Woman...
Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?"
"Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?")
"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her.
"I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading."
"Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up."
"If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says the woman.
"But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden.
"That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment."
"Have a nice day ma'am," and he left.
MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Costume Party
Hajar's Art Project (HOME)
My kids have been so busy and they never ever want to miss a Saturday (when we usually dread going to school) or a Wednesday (too lazy to go!) because the school has so many activities everyday and especially on those two days.
Little pond and plants around it:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It is rich in historical, artistic and cultural traditions and gastronomy. Neapolitan ('o napulitano) is the colourful, rich dialect that has been a trademark of southern Italy ever since the period of the Kingdom of Naples and the Two Sicilies. This history, coupled with its size, has given Naples the unofficial status of being the Capital of the South (in Italy).
The city is served by Naples International Airport at Capodichino.
Naples has a typical Mediterranean climate. This means mild winters and hot summers. Rains concentrate during November and December and between March and April. Average temperature during the coldest month is 8° C. (48 F. ) whilst average temperature in July is 24° C. (75,2 F.). The mild climate and the geographical and morphologic richness of the bay of Naples made it famous during Roman times when emperors chose the city as a favorite holiday location.
Subterranean Naples consists of old Greco-Roman reservoirs dug out from the soft tufo stone on which, and from which, the city is built. Approximately one kilometer of the many kilometers of tunnels under the city can be visited from the well known "Napoli Sotteranea" situated in the historic centre of the city in Via dei Tribunali. There are also large catacombs in and around the city and other visits such as Piscina Mirabilis, the main cistern serving the bay of Naples during Roman times. This system of tunnels and cisterns cover most of the city and lies approximately thirty metres below ground level. Moisture levels are around 70%. During World War II these tunnels were used as air raid shelters and there are inscriptions in the walls which depict the suffering endured during that time.
Melanzane alla parmigiana is a bake of layers of fried slices of eggplant (aubergine, very often coated in egg and flour, or in a light batter), alternated with mozzarella, tomato sauce and parmesan (parmigiano) cheese (a less common version does not include mozzarella).
Naples offers several kinds of unique pastry, the most famous of which is perhaps the Pastiera, a cake prepared for Easter. The babà (also known as savarin) is a mushroom-shaped piece of leavend sweet pastry, soaked with an orange flavoured mixture of ruhm and water. Choux is a small "bubble" of leavened pastry stuffed with light cream, usually coffee or chocolate flavored. The Pastiera is a cake with a complicated recipe, varying by the county in which it is prepared. The ingredients are typically annealed grain, eggs, and sometimes cream (it is sometimes made with boiled rice instead of grain in the area of Salerno), in a sort of short crust pastry with strips of pastry on the top making a sort of grid. Another typical Neapolitan pastry is the Sfogliatella (riccia or frolla).
Naples is also known for its ice cream (in Italian gelato).
Neapolitan food forms the basis for much Italian-American cuisine.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Beautifying the Issue of Free Mixing
He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: “This world is sweet and dazzling, and Allaah has you put in charge of it to see how you will do and what you will do, so beware of this world and beware of women, for the first fitnah (temptation, trial) that befell the Children of Israel was concerning women.” (Reported by Muslim, 4925).
Many people have a relaxed attitude towards the brother-in-law entering upon women, until some disaster happens as a result, that they never thought would happen because they trusted their brother-in-law! This is neglecting reality, because no man is alone with a (non-mahram) woman but the Shaytaan is the third one present with them, and no woman is exposed to temptation but she will give in, except for those on whom Allaah has mercy.
Victims of mixing… True stories
- Lost hope
Umm Muhammad, a mature woman over the age of 40, tells her story.
I lived a life of modest means with my husband. There was never any closeness and harmony, and my husband did not have the kind of strong personality that a woman would hope for, but his good nature made me overlook the fact that I was the one who was responsible for most of the decision making in the family.
My husband often used to mention the name of his friend and business partner, and he would talk about him in my presence, and I often used to meet with him in his office which was originally part of our apartment. This went on for many years, until circumstances led to us exchanging visits with this person and his family. These family visits were repeated and because of his close friendship with my husband, we did not notice how the number of visits increased and how many hours a single visit would last. He often used to come on his own to sit with us, me and my husband, for long visits. My husband’s trust in him knew no bounds, and as days passed I got to know this person very well, and saw how wonderful and decent he was. I began to feel a strong attraction towards this man, and at the same time I began to sense that the feeling was mutual.
Things took a strange turn after that, when I realized that this man was the kind of person I had always dreamed about. Why had he come along now, after all these years? The more this man’s status increased in my eyes, the more my husband’s status diminished. It was as if I had needed to see the beauty of his character in order to discover how ugly my husband’s character was.
The matter between this person and myself did not go beyond these persistent thoughts which were occupying my mind night and day. Neither he nor I ever voiced what we felt in our hearts… until today. Yet despite that my life is over and my husband is little more than a weak man with no self-esteem. I hate him and I do not know how all this hatred towards him started to boil over. I wonder how I put up with him all these years, bearing all these burdens by myself, facing life’s problems on my own.
Things got so bad that I asked him for a divorce, and he divorced me at my request. After that he became a broken man. Even worse than that is that after my marriage was wrecked and my children and husband were devastated, problems arose in this man's family. His wife, with her feminine intuition, realized what had been going on in his heart of hearts, and his life became hell. She was overwhelmed with jealousy to the extent that one night she left her house at 2 a.m. and came to attack my house, screaming, weeping and hurling accusations. His marriage was also about to collapse.
I admit that the lovely gatherings which we used to enjoy gave us the opportunity to get to know one another at a time that was not appropriate at this stage in our lives.
His marriage has been wrecked and so has mine. I have lost everything, and now I know that my circumstances and his will not permit us to take any positive step towards coming together. Now I am more miserable than I have ever been, and I am looking for illusionary happiness and lost hopes. - Before it is too late
S.N.A. tells of her experience:
I never imagined that my work circumstances would force me to be in contact with the opposite sex (men), but this in fact is what happened…
In the beginning, I used to cover and screen myself from men by wearing niqaab (face-veil), but some of the sisters advised me that this dress was attracting more attention to my presence, and it would be better for me to take off the niqaab, especially since my eyes were somewhat attractive. So I removed the cover from my face, thinking that this was better. But by continuing to mix with my colleagues, I discovered that I was the odd one out because of my antisocial attitude and my insistence on not joining in the conversation and chatting with others. Everyone was wary of this “lone-wolf” woman (as they saw me), and this is what was stated clearly by one person who affirmed that he would not want to deal with such a snooty and stand-offish character. But I knew that I was the opposite, in fact, and I decided that I would not oppress myself and put myself in a difficult position with my colleagues. So I started to join in their chats and exchanges of anecdotes, and they all discovered that I could speak eloquently and persuasively, and that I could influence others. I could also speak in a manner that was determined yet at the same time was attractive to some of my colleagues. It was not long before I noticed some changes in the expression of my direct supervisor; with some embarrassment, he was enjoying the way I spoke and moved, and he would deliberately bring up topics in the conversation where I would see that hateful look in his eyes. I do not deny the fact that I started to entertain some thoughts about this man. I found it astonishing that a man could fall so easily into the trap of a woman who was religiously committed, so how must it be in the case of women who adorn themselves and invite men to commit immoral actions? In fact, I did not think of him in any way which went beyond the bounds of sharee’ah, but he did occupy a space in my thoughts for quite some time. But soon my self-respect made me reject the idea of being a source of enjoyment for this man in any way, shape or form, even if it was only psychological in nature, and I stopped getting involved in any kind of work that would force me to sit alone with him. In the end, I reached the following conclusions:
1- Attraction between the sexes can occur in any circumstances, no matter how much men and women may deny that. The attraction may start within the bounds of sharee’ah and end up going beyond those bounds.
2- Even if a person protects himself (by marriage), he is not safe from the snares of the Shaytaan.
3- Even though a person may be able to guarantee himself and he works with the opposite sex within reasonable limits, he cannot guarantee the feelings of the other party.
Finally, there is nothing good in mixing and it does not bear fruit as they claim. On the contrary, it corrupts sound thinking.
Is the mixing which we see nowadays in our universities, market-places, work-places and family and social gatherings, taking place within the limits referred to above? Or are these places filled with transgressions in terms of clothing, speech, interactions and behaviour? We see wanton displays of adornment (tabarruj), not proper covering; we see fitnah (temptations) and dubious relationships, with no good manners and no conscience and no covering. We can conclude that the kind of mixing that is happening nowadays is unacceptable even to those who approve of mixing in a clean atmosphere.
It’s about time for us to recognize that mixing provides a fertile breeding-ground for social poisons to invade and take over our society without anyone ever realizing that it is mixing which is the cause. Mixing is the prime element in this silent fitnah, in the shade of which betrayals erupt, homes are wrecked and hearts are broken.
We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound, and to reform our society. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Lock-Pickin’ Business Card

I used to attend a lot of trade shows and on the last day before I checked out of my hotel room I always made sure to chuck all the business cards I had collected because quite frankly it was one less thing I had to deal with when I got back to the office. However I can guarantee I would have never thrown out a card like this.
Designed by Jeni Mattson this business card was created for someone named Melvin who is apparently known as a “hacker” and “all around mischief maker.” …Right. Well apparently he wanted something to give to friends and clients that best represented his line of work so the lockpick concept was chosen. Besides being just plain cool the various tools can also be removed from the card and used for all your breaking & entering needs.
While I have no idea what the per unit cost for something like this would be, there’s no doubt it would make quite an impression on people.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Studying, Studying...
- The external student's schedules come out 2-3 weeks after the regular students.
- After fixing our schedules, it takes 2-3 weeks to find out who is going to teach us that so-and-so course and where to get the books for that so-and-so teacher. Of course this takes hours of useless phone calls to some grumpy people who have our futures in their hands, the secretary of the European Languages department, and the old man at the photocopying maktabah.
- I'll go to check on something and I find out, two weeks before the finals, that the teacher changed the poems and stories she wants us to read!
- Once someone gave me the wrong times to the exams and I missed an exam by 30 minutes. I went to the uni just to make sure she got it right. Al7amdu Lillah the teacher was very cooperative and gave me the test right away at her office.
- Once a teacher changed the time of the exam and I found someone to call her majesty and she said to come the next day.
- If you check the website you will NOT find that the course descriptions have not been posted until now. We are half way through the semester.
- I have to put up with all these things and take care of a husband and kids.
- I have no one to explain anything to me accept by searching and
- Our finals are from 100 and the whole book must be covered. No chapters are cut out like regular students, and our exams are not easy.
- They say external students don't get jobs easily!
I have 4 kids now, and two very difficult semesters are ahead of me.
Although he thinks I'm not doing what I really want (painting, reading) and should do (tarbiya), my husband helps a lot, Al7amdu Lillah. He teaches my older daughter (11 years) all her subjects and that's the biggest relief.
and since we external students study the whole book in very short periods of time and take one final exam from 100, and since we go through so much suffering, I think the Uni should give us special degrees when we graduate. It should say:
"Student Suffered Enough, Give Job Right Away."