Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hajar's Art Project (HOME)

Al7amdu Lillah, at the beginning of this semester we moved our kids to a private school called "Al- Fus7a," here in Madinah:
This school is a huge ni3ma (blessing) that Allah has blessed us with.
My kids have been so busy and they never ever want to miss a Saturday (when we usually dread going to school) or a Wednesday (too lazy to go!) because the school has so many activities everyday and especially on those two days.

Two weeks ago, Hajar (11) was late giving in this art project to build a home, their teacher gave them a head start with the building, I gave her the ideas and I made the curtains. Sumayah and 3abdul 3aziz helped too...

The curtains, and plant pots on window sills:

Laundry line:

Little pond and plants around it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mashallah I have been on here like three time just looking and showing the kids what a wonderful job you all did. Keep up the good work. This is a really nice project to do with the kids.